A Children's album by
Produced by...

Gracie Nash
Charlie Rosen
Music Educator & Singer/Songwriter
Two-time Grammy® and Tony Award winning orchestrator
FUN FACT: Gracie and Charlie met at summer camp 17 years ago and have been making music together ever since!
Confidence Juice is a bright and joyful album that proudly celebrates the unique qualities that make us who we are. The eight positive retro-pop tunes were co-produced by music educator Gracie Nash and Grammy/Tony winner Charlie Rosen.
For founder Gracie Nash AKA Miss Tutti, as the body positivity movement started growing in music and media, she found freedom in finally seeing herself represented in pop-culture. Nash was inspired to write a medley of songs that she wished she could have heard as a child. The artist found herself a victim of bullying starting at age 4, but as hard as the bullies tried to take her down, she forever found a safe place in the music classroom where her teachers offered a creative and kind place to land.
Miss Tutti is on a mission to create a musical safe space for all, kids and adults alike. Having grown up to the tunes of golden oldies radio, in crafting the music for Confidence Juice, Nash aimed to bring that classic sensibility to the songs for the whole family to listen to and enjoy. The tracks range from silly and youthful to thoughtful and ageless. Listeners will hear the sounds of funk records, Motown and Disco. Another huge influence on the project is the classic music of Free to Be You and Me which put forward-thinking messages to music that became a way for people to come together and to understand one another. For her, these collective influences bring a warm and fuzzy sense of nostalgia to the positive and delightful exploration of more modern ideas.